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  • Travel Wedding

    The Best Surprise

    That’s right. Andy surprised me by meeting me in Paris. I have never been so surprised in my life and it was completely wonderful. I am the very luckiest of ladies. But it gets…

    October 12, 2011
  • Travel


    After Paris, Andy flew back home and Marne and I continued on to London. Our friends Molly and Phil happened to be visiting at the same time and staying with their friend Nikola who…

    September 29, 2011
  • Travel


    [Photos by Andy Cosnotti] [Photo by Andy Cosnotti] [Photo by Andy Cosnotti] [Photo by Andy Cosnotti] Earlier this month, Marne and I flew to Paris and then to London to attend tradeshows for work.…

    September 19, 2011
  • Vanity


    This weekend, Andy and I celebrated our ninth year together. Nine years is a lot of years. I remember being impressed after we’d been together for just nine months, I even posted something witty…

    September 6, 2011
  • Travel

    The Lake

    I spent the better part of this week on the lake. I did my very best to relax and stay away from the internet though both efforts were almost as stressful as the rest…

    September 1, 2011
  • Travel

    You Again

    I am in San Francisco again. Wasn’t I just here? Yes. When I travel for work, I’m either buying gift and home products at tradeshows and showrooms or I’m planning, decorating, or furnishing (or…

    August 4, 2011
  • Travel


    I have been traveling. I was busy nearly every minute so I took very few pictures. I went to Atlanta for a few days then home for one whole day. Then, it was off…

    July 24, 2011